martes, 28 de abril de 2020

Irregular Plural Nouns

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Irregular plural nouns, an interactive worksheet by engteachar

domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

Have got__Has got (Interactive Worksheet)


(Interactive Worksheet)

Puedes enviar la ficha terminada a mi correo

sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

Was or Were?

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Was or were?, an interactive worksheet by victor

viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

To be (Interactive Worksheet)

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Am, is, are, an interactive worksheet by victor

The Kiss That Missed_Story Book

Puedes activar los subtítulos en este iconoen la parte inferior del vídeo.
En el icono de configuración (rueda dentada) elige inglés o español.

English Exercises: THE KISS THAT MISSED

The kiss that missed

- Once upon a Tuesday the King was in a hurry as usual.
- "Goodnight", he said and blew his son a royal kiss.
- It missed.
- The young Prince watched it rattle around the room,
then bounce out of the window and into the night.

- The Prince told the Queen.
- The Queen told the King.
- And the King had a quick word with his loyal Knight.
- "Follow that kiss!" he squawked.

- The Knight mounted his horse ...
Eventually ...
- And galloped off in hot pursuit until they came to the wild wood.

- Wild creatures with wild eyes,
too much hair, and very bad manners lived here.
- It was dark. It was smelly. It was ...
... snowing.

- They were not alone.
- There were bears with long claws and growly roars,
swooping owls of all shapes and sizes,
and a pack of hungry wolves with dribbly mouths.

- "Eek!" squeaked the Knight.
- And then, suddenly ...
... with a sparkle the Royal kiss came floating by and, in turn, said goodnight to everyone.
- Bears stopped being growly,
- Owls stopped being swoopy,
- Wolves stopped being dribbly,
- And before you could say "Follow that kiss!"
they all settled down for a good night's sleep.

- After a while they sat down on a wrinkly old tree trunk to rest.
- The wrinkly old tree trunk twitched ...
and slowly rose into the air ...
above the woods and into the clouds.
- At last they found themselves staring into a pair of very hairy nostrils.
- A dragon with "this-pair-would-be-nice-on-toast" eyes
leered greedily at them.

- Suddenly ...
with a sparkle the Royal kiss came floating by
and flew right up the dragon's nose.
- He sat up, sniffed, and blinked.
- Slowly, he opened his mouth, took a deep breath, and ...

- "Hang on"! he said as they tumbled through the trees.
- "Come back!" he puffed as he lumbered after them.
- "I want to pick you and ...
kiss you goodnight"

- Slowly they all made their way back to the castle.
- That night the Prince was happy,
- The Queen was happy,
- And the King promised to stop always being in a hurry.

- He made sure everyone was comfortable
and slowly read them a bedtime story from beginning to end ...

The End

martes, 21 de abril de 2020

The Plural of Nouns

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The plural of nouns, an interactive worksheet by victor

lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

Can you swim?

I can ...             I can't …

(Can: poder, saber)

What's the time? - Drag and drop_Listening

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What's the time? - drag and drop, an interactive worksheet by mada_1

sábado, 18 de abril de 2020

Yes, I can_Song

I can ...             I can't …

(Can: poder, saber)

How to make a Knight Shield

How to make a Knight Shield


(Cómo hacer un escudo de caballero)


St George Spoon Pal | Free Craft Ideas | Baker Ross Campamento, Escuela, Artesanía De Espuma, Manualidades Con Palitos De Helado, Ideas Artesanales, Manualidades Para Niños, Artesanías De Castillo, Caballeros

viernes, 17 de abril de 2020

Song Pets

1. Escucha la canción SONG AUDIO y selecciona la palabra.
3. Vuelve a escuchar la canción y comprueba tus respuestas.

Song pets, an interactive worksheet by jesusalmansaleal

Pets_Listen to the chant

Pets, an interactive worksheet by jesusalmansaleal

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Pets Puzzle

Pets puzzle, an interactive worksheet by newinkle

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miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020

What's the time? - Drag and drop

Arrastra y deja caer dentro del recuadro correspondiente.

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What's the time - drag and drop, an interactive worksheet by mada_1

Can/Can't_Sports & Actions

I can ...             I can't …

(Can: poder, saber)

Prepositions of Place__Listening Exercise

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Prepositions of place - listening exercise, an interactive worksheet by victor

martes, 14 de abril de 2020

The Tale of Peter Rabbit_Story Book

Puedes activar los subtítulos en este iconoen la parte inferior del vídeo.
En el icono de configuración (rueda dentada) elige inglés o español.

domingo, 12 de abril de 2020

My Clothes_Look and Number

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The clothes, an interactive worksheet by victor

sábado, 11 de abril de 2020

Can / Can't

I can ...             I can't …

(Can: poder, saber)

Colours and Numbers

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Colours and Numbers, an interactive worksheet by English365days

viernes, 10 de abril de 2020

What's the time? - Listening

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What's the time? - listening, an interactive worksheet by mada_1

The Days of the Week

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The days of the week, an interactive worksheet by victor


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Verb to be, an interactive worksheet by evelinamaria

jueves, 9 de abril de 2020

Listen and repeat the colours

Listen and Repeat the colours, an interactive worksheet by meviro

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The Alphabet_Listening

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The alphabet, an interactive worksheet by lorenagarcia

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2020

Question Words_Interactive Worksheet

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Question words, an interactive worksheet by Tmk939


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  (Live Worksheet)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .....

miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

Clark the Shark_Story Book

Puedes activar los subtítulos en este iconoen la parte inferior del vídeo.
En el icono de configuración (rueda dentada) elige inglés o español.